Thursday, February 19, 2009

Updated Google Calendar

I tried to embed the NC LiteracyCorps google calendar in the blog, but could not get it to work (not sure if this is through incompetence on my part or a larger problem). Here is the link to the updated google calendar, including trainings and due dates.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New (old) SCALE website

SCALE has recently updated its website. Click on NC LiteracyCorps to visit our new page. To access forms, evaluations, and other information, click on resources.

Training manuals

For those of you who have not already done so, I encourage you to create a manual for the person who will take over for you once you finish your service. Some of you may have had the advantage of using manuals that were created by previous members. There are a lot of different aspects to the AmeriCorps positions and each site is unique, so I think having a "how to" guide could be extremely helpful.
Some of you have created some excellent volunteer manuals this year and I'd like for us to have a way to share those with each other. I'm open to suggestion, but perhaps converting them into google documents would enable us all to collaborate in a useful way.

National Service Resources

I've just added a widget for the, which has some really great resources for volunteer and service programs. I encourage all of you to poke around the website and post to the blog about anything interesting/useful you find.
Welcome to the NC LiteracyCorps blog! I'm not sure yet what form this will take, but I hope it will prove an effective communication tool for LiteracyCorps members so that we can share ideas, talk about our successes and challenges, and use each other as resources.